To see how my day was and maybe a bible verse or a quote. Day to day. When ever I have time to post.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

HEHEHE! Oh wow Last Post Nov 2006!

Well so it is 2011 and I am now almost 22 that is weird!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I am so not in the mood right to study but I will never skip school! Any ways I had a great summer I hope every one else did to, but the first quarter is almost done, IT ENDS TOMARROW! So I hope every one has their homework in.

*Epsoide 209* of Naruto comes out on Thurs.


Thursday, June 15, 2006

1/2 day more of school!!!

That is all I have to say today! BYE!!!


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Well I hope some of my friends for Christian Forums and MySpace come on read my my blog!

But it is Wendesday, 1 1/2 more days of school!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Tuesday, Tuesday!!! Finaling it is Tuesday! 3 1/2 more days of school *oh ah baby*!

I am tring to come up a Naruto Remix and if I get it typed up I will post it on here.


Monday, June 12, 2006

It is MONDAY!!! 4 1/2 more days until school gets out YEH!!! But the sad thing is that finals are this week and here they are;
----Wednesday 14th finals are 3a 4a/ Full Day

---Thursday 15th finals are 1b 2b 3AB 4AB/ Full Day

--Friday 16th finals are 1a 2b 1AB 2AB/ Half Day

Father's Day is coming up on the 18th of June!

Yasha-san_08 --- is out

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Hello People,

I missed a couple day oops! Well today is my mom's b-day *throws a party and hands out cake to everyone* ;P

One more week! Until SCHOOL is out for ME! Seniors are out NO FAIR!!! And my bro's and cuzs' are out also! *cries heart out* :*(

Finals are this week! :*(
