To see how my day was and maybe a bible verse or a quote. Day to day. When ever I have time to post.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I am so not in the mood right to study but I will never skip school! Any ways I had a great summer I hope every one else did to, but the first quarter is almost done, IT ENDS TOMARROW! So I hope every one has their homework in.

*Epsoide 209* of Naruto comes out on Thurs.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yet many moments were lost before Mr.. the capability of dominating the Unc. And will you also send the wagon for my trunks? I hain't said I wanted to hev ye leave---- began Mr.. Whence came the one florin fifty kreuzers? From a trifling occurrence of the previous day.. Ross plumped down beside him. The Colonel paused, with a stately bow to the impassive Judge.. He made me and himself a great many good friends, some of whom I did not afterwards recognize as quickly as Dennis did my parishioners.. Then Marann looked indignant.. But as Prue put her arm in mine and we went upstairs together, she whispered in my ear: How glad I am that you don't wear spectacles.. This is the fact of transference which furnishes an explanation for so many surprising occurrences in the psychic life of neurotics.. But I looked at him through the spectacles and saw a satisfaction in concentrated energies, and a tenacity arising from devotion to a noble dream, which was not apparent in the youths who pitied him in the aimless effeminacy of clubs, nor in the clever gentlemen who cracked their thin jokes upon him over a gossiping dinner.. By a slight turn the glass hat reminded me of Auer's light , and I knew that I was about to invent something which was to make me as rich and independent as his invention had made my countryman, Dr.. I saw, that although a flower may have lost its hold upon earthly moisture, it may still bloom as sweetly, fed by the dews of heaven.. And---- (Here Simon Wheeler heard his name called from the front yard, and got up to see what was wanted.. It likewise recalls the story of the young girl who was advised against accepting her suitor because he was a man of quick temper who would surely treat her to blows after they were married.. This was first taken for granted, and then spoken of as an acknowledged fact.. He voted, as I had charged him to do, in every instance, with the minority.. Every impression about it, without any exception, which occurs to him should be imparted to the doctor.. Brede vanished as he shook that grimy hand in manly fashion.. How much do you want? A hundred? How much is coming to me? About a thousand, Gideon...

12:01 PM


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