To see how my day was and maybe a bible verse or a quote. Day to day. When ever I have time to post.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

1/2 day more of school!!!

That is all I have to say today! BYE!!!


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Well I hope some of my friends for Christian Forums and MySpace come on read my my blog!

But it is Wendesday, 1 1/2 more days of school!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Tuesday, Tuesday!!! Finaling it is Tuesday! 3 1/2 more days of school *oh ah baby*!

I am tring to come up a Naruto Remix and if I get it typed up I will post it on here.


Monday, June 12, 2006

It is MONDAY!!! 4 1/2 more days until school gets out YEH!!! But the sad thing is that finals are this week and here they are;
----Wednesday 14th finals are 3a 4a/ Full Day

---Thursday 15th finals are 1b 2b 3AB 4AB/ Full Day

--Friday 16th finals are 1a 2b 1AB 2AB/ Half Day

Father's Day is coming up on the 18th of June!

Yasha-san_08 --- is out

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Hello People,

I missed a couple day oops! Well today is my mom's b-day *throws a party and hands out cake to everyone* ;P

One more week! Until SCHOOL is out for ME! Seniors are out NO FAIR!!! And my bro's and cuzs' are out also! *cries heart out* :*(

Finals are this week! :*(


Wednesday, June 07, 2006

It is 6/7/06, we lived through 6/6/06. But I am still have a bad week.

Seniors have have one more day, the rest of the school have 7 more until SUMMER!!!

*Naruto ep 188 * came out today in Japan and in
Word of the day "My teeth HURT like crazy"


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Well a missed three days since two days were the weekend and one day a forgot.

But to day is 6/6/06 bad day, right! Well maybe it is for some people but I am already having a rotten day but I had one yesterday so I am not saying it is becuase of the day.

Day of Fire's NEW CD "Cut and Move" is out in stores today!


Friday, June 02, 2006

It is FRIDAY finally!!! Ok so never ever do drugs I had to take a steriod that was given to me by my doctor and well lets just say I got freaked out. I had to leave school early and go back to the doctor.

Linkin Park's song NUMB is my song for the day! *NEW*
"I do not feel good" is my words for the week! *NEW*


Thursday, June 01, 2006

Hello Everybody,

Today is June 1, 2006! 11 more days of school until the SUMMER at T-Town and only 7 more for the senoirs.

Intro into Programing: 12.2.1-2 from the How to Design Programs BOOK
Math: ?Quiz? I think
Biology: Test today on the 6 Kingdoms
Japanese: Next Tues. June 6 final project is DUE!
